Music Ministry
For all things Trinity music!
Children's Christmas Program 2022

Music Ministry at Trinity
Trinity Music Ministry is centered on supporting worship and praising God through music as an integral part of our musical traditions and heritage. Music ensembles at various age levels are designed to provide opportunities for sharing their musical gifts as part of their service, community fellowship and involvement, spiritual and musical growth and joy. Whether you sing in one of the choirs or are an instrumentalist or ringer in the bell choir, music ministry welcomes all who love music to be part of the music program and enjoy fellowship, fun and praise.
Kids of the Kingdom (Grades 3-6) meets Wednesday evenings during midweek, and the Trinity Choir and Bell Choir meet Thursday evenings. Please contact Mr. Caleb Staehr at if you are interested in being part of the music ministry.
Music Ensembles at Trinity - Rehearsals
Kids of the Kingdom Choir: Wednesdays, 5:45-6:25 P.M. (Grades 3-6)
Trinity Choir: Thursdays, 5:25-6:40 P.M.
Heavenly Vibrations Bell Choir: Thursdays, 6:50-8:00 P.M.